
Prof Sirois regularly appears on podcasts to discuss her research.

The psychology of motivation and procrastination. BBC4’s All in the Mind recording from the Cheltenham Science Festival

The psychology of self-compassion. Instant Genius Extra

The Psychology of Lockdown Productivity. University of Sheffield, Coronavirus, examined.

Perfectionistic Concerns, Perfectionistic Strivings: There’s an important difference: iProcrastinate Podcast.

The Science of Gratitude. Phoenix Helix podcast

Procrastination is a powerful thing, but it doesn’t work the way you might think it does. CBC Day 6 podcast

The key to stopping procrastination? Compassion. Christian Science Monitor podcast.

Why we procrastinate and what to do about it, APA speaking of Psychology podcast

Conversation with Marianne Pestana about my new book

Ikario podcast on The Science Of Procrastination

How to stop procrastinating podcast for Your Parenting Mojo