
Why do people procrastinate and what can we do about it?

Procrastination is a common issue that can take a considerable toll on not just productivity, but also health and well-being.

This page includes a collection of resources to help you understand what procrastination is, the toll it can take, as well as evidence based approaches to address it in yourself and others. A list of my scientific publications on the topic of procrastination appears at the bottom of the page.

This is just a sample of the resources I’ve contributed to on the topic of procrastination over the past 20+ years. Please also visit my videos and podcasts page, and the press articles page for more.


Are you a procrastinator? Test yourself here


This self-help style book published by APA presents a comprehensive, in depth and compassionate view of why people procrastinate, why procrastination is harmful, and what you can do about it. It’s packed with science-based tools for understanding and addressing procrastination in oneself and others.

The book is available in bookshops and online at the links below:

UK link | US link

If audiobooks are your preference, this Audible original may be just what you are looking for to learn more about procrastination and how to manage it.


This edited volume, with Dr Tim Pychyl, includes current research on the implications of procrastination for health and well-being. Written for academics and clinicians, it is the first volume to bring together cutting edge ideas and research from leading and up and coming researchers and thought leaders in the field.


Lay articles

Two Counterintuitive Ways to Stop Procrastinating

This is my article on why self-forgiveness and self-compassion can be effective for addressing procrastination.

Procrastinating is linked to health and career problems – but there are things you can do to stop

In this article in The Conversation I summarise the toll procrastination can take on health and career.

Why we procrastinate — and what you can do to break the cycle

Written for Apolitico, a resource site for civil servants, this article unpacks what procrastination is and how to manage it in your professional and personal lives.

animated Shorts

Why you procrastinate when it feels bad Ted-Ed animated story

How procrastination is killing you – Animated short showing what procrastination does to your body


My Tedx Newcastle talk – Here’s the real reason you procrastinate

Some excerpts from my talk on procrastination at the Trouble Club in London.

Managing mood and reducing procrastination. Excerpt from a webinar for the Center for Conscious Awareness, Canada.

Goal pursuit and procrastination. Excerpt from a webinar for the Center for Conscious Awareness, Canada.

What does research say about the consequences of procrastination? Excerpt from a webinar for the Center for Conscious Awareness, Canada.

Gratefully Living the Chronic Life-Procrastination & Perfectionism chat with Lauren Blanchard Zalewski


Why we procrastinate and what to do about it, APA speaking of Psychology podcast

Conversation with Marianne Pestana about my new book

The psychology of motivation and procrastination.

BBC4’s All in the Mind recording from the Cheltenham Science Festival

The key to stopping procrastination? Compassion.

Christian Science Monitor podcast

Journal Articles on Procrastination

Sirois, F. M., Stride, C., & Pychyl, T. A. (in press). A longitudinal test of the procrastination-health model. British Journal of Health Psychology. (IF = 8.10) Open access

Rad, H. S., Samadi, S., Sirois, F. M., & Goodarzi, H. (2023). Mindfulness intervention for academic procrastination: A randomized control trial. Learning & Individual Differences, 101,102244. (IF = 3.90). Link

Sirois, F. M. (2023). Procrastination and stress: A conceptual review of why context matters. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(6), 5031. (IF = 4.61). Open access.

Sirois, F. M. (2021). Trait procrastination undermines outcome and efficacy expectancies for achieving health-related possible selves. Current Psychology, 40, 3840–3847.(IF = 2.05). Open access

Xu, T., Sirois, F. M., Zhang, L., & Feng. T. (2021). Neural basis responsible for self-control association with procrastination: right MFC and bilateral OFC functional connectivity with left dlPFCith left dlPFC. Journal of Research in Personality, 91, 104063. (IF = 3.89). Link

Sirois, F. M., *Yang, S., & van Eerde, W. (2019). Development and validation of the GPS-9, a short and reliable measure of trait procrastination. Personality and Individual Differences, 146, 26-33. (IF = 3.95). Link | Self-archived version

Sirois, F. M., Nauts, S., & Molnar D. S. (2019). Self-compassion and bedtime procrastination: An emotion regulation perspective. Mindfulness, 10, 434–445 (IF = 3.80). Link | Self-archived version

Sirois, F. M., & Giguère, B. (2018). Giving in when feeling less good: Procrastination, action control, and social temptations. British Journal of Social Psychology, 57, (2), 404-427. (IF = 6.92). Link | Self-archived version

Sirois, F. M., Molnar, D. M., & Hirsch, J. K.  (2017). A meta-analytic and conceptual update on the associations between procrastination and multidimensional perfectionism. European Journal of Personality, 31, 137-159. (IF = 7.00). Link | Self-archived version

Sirois, F. M., van Eerde, W., & Argiropoulou, M. I. (2015). Is procrastination related to sleep quality? Testing an application of the procrastination-health model. Cogent Psychology, 2 (1). Open access

Sirois, F. M., & *Kitner, R. (2015). Less adaptive or more maladaptive? A meta-analytic investigation of procrastination and coping. European Journal of Personality, 29, 433-444 (IF = 7.00). Link | Self-archived version

Sirois, F. M. (2015). Is procrastination a vulnerability factor for hypertension and cardiovascular disease? Testing an extension of the procrastination-health model. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 38, 578-589 (IF = 3.47). Link | Self-archived version

Sirois, F. M. (2014). Out of sight, out of time? A meta-analytic investigation of procrastination and time perspective. European Journal of Personality, 28, 511–520. (IF = 7.00). Link | Self-archived version

Sirois, F. M. (2014). Absorbed in the moment? An investigation of procrastination, absorption and cognitive failures. Personality and Individual Differences, 71, 30-34. (IF = 3.95). Link | Self-archived version

Sirois, F. M.  (2014). Procrastination and stress: Exploring the role of self-compassion. Self and Identity, 13 (2), 128-145. (IF = 2.41). Link | Self-archived version

Sirois, F. M., & Pychyl. T. A. (2013). Procrastination and the priority of short-term mood regulation: Consequences for future self.  Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 7 (2), 115–127. (IF- 3.80). Link | Self-archived version

Sirois, F. M., & *Tosti, N. (2012). Lost in the moment? An investigation of procrastination, mindfulness, and well-being. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 30 (4), 237-248. (IF- 1.95). Link | Self-archived version

Sirois, F. M.  (2007). “I’ll look after my health, later”: A replication and extension of the procrastination-health model with community-dwelling adults. Personality and Individual Differences, 43, 15-26. (IF = 3.95) Link | Self-archived version

Sirois, F. M. (2004). Procrastination and counterfactual thinking:  Avoiding what might have been. British Journal of Social Psychology, 43, 269-286. (IF = 6.92). Link | Self-archived version

Sirois, F. M.  (2004). Procrastination and intentions to perform health behaviors: The role of self-efficacy and the consideration of future consequences. Personality and Individual Differences, 37(1), 115-128. (IF = 3.95). Link | Self-archived version

Sirois, F. M., Melia-Gordon, M.L., & Pychyl, T. A., (2003).  “I’ll look after my health, later”: An investigation of procrastination and health. Personality and Individual Differences, 35(5), 1167-1184. (IF = 3.95). Link | Self-archived version